2004-09-07 : Don't Even Bother-I Even Bore Myself
Where the hell have I been?

I've been wandering around in a bit of a daze lately, trying to figure things out.

And, what exactly have I figured out? Not a damn thing.

I do know, however, that I am spreading myself too thin and that I need to prioritize everything right now.

Maybe I need to stop talking about quitting and actually do it. Of course, I could just try to get myself fired, which would just be the easiest way out for me right now, because then I don't have to be nice to those asshole freaks that disguise themselves as holier than thou leaders of a bunch of fucking sheep.

Wow, can you feel the anger?

That was crazy - I should possibly vent a little more often about how they make me feel- then I won't have this constant feeling of being about to explode.

Anyway, if anyone still reads this, you may have noticed that my ramblings are not how they normally are. Just to let you know, I write better with a couple of drinks in me. It gets me going and makes me a whole lot more fucking honest about myself.

So, who knows, you may hear from the normal me in a few hours.

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