2005-04-27 : $20 And You Can Own This Entry
I am in the process of trying to write an essay for a class. This class is a distance class that I can take on my own time, however I have had severe writer's block on the topic of Ernest Hemingway. I mean, really, who wouldn't?

Anyway, so here I am, trying desperately to find some sort of information on the internet that will be at least a little bit informative and helpful, yet all I find are hundreds...no, thousands of sites selling papers and essays!! To top it all off, I have read some of the samples that they try to get students to buy and they are terrible!

I remember a time when a student could pay a somewhat decent student to do their work for them and pass with an okay grade. What is this business of buying essays that a blind, illiterate immigrant could call bullshit on? who pays to fail?

Thanks, but no thanks. I'll fail on my own, thankyouverymuch.

And I get to keep my twenty bucks.

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