2005-04-14 : Up In Flames
Okay, so I tried to add an entry the other day and something or another screwed up and it didn't work. Well, anyways, that is besides the point. I have something new altogether to say.

Everyone has moved in their lives. Everybody has changed addresses at least once.

But everybody expects that the place where they made their memories to still be there if they need to even just see it again.

I decided, on my way home tonight, to go by the house that my family lived in for a year while we built the house that my parents live in now. It was a rental in a lovely little neighborhood. All of my friends lived there and I was probably the happiest I ever was as a kid when we lived there.

Yes, I know that it caught fire and was pretty much gone , but I haven't been by there in years. However, the place that I live now is only a few minutes away and I thought that it would be a good idea just to drive by - old times and all.

It's gone.

Absolutely gone.

Not one stick of this house remains.

It burnt to the ground and every memory I have of that place is forever erased except for what I can remember.

Not one single solitary piece of wood remains to say - Hey, I remember her. I remember the time everybody came over for Amanda's 12th birthday...or, Hey I remember that Christmas when we got our first video games ( oh yeah, old school Nintendo...the original). There is not one scrap left to look at and remember anything...anything at all!!!

I didn't think it would be weird - looking back at where I had a chance to grow up....looking back at a place where I had a chance to become who I am today.

I always thought that my old stomping grounds would be there. I always thought...no, I always wished that I would be able to go back.

Maybe it's silly...wanting to be able to visit a time when things were less complicated, less dramatic, less serious.

But it's what I want.

I want to be able to instantly transport myself to a time and place where I was happy, content with everything, and completely loved and taken care of.

It's my childhood.

It shouldn't ever go away...up in flames and smoke.

I know it should be with me in my heart, but my happiest days were there.

Oh, how I miss you, 710 Walters Lane. And, oh, how I miss you, 1990.

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