2003-07-26 : Boiling Water
My, my, my....

What a spectacularly boring day. Nothing is going on and nothing seems to be happening. My past problems are being solved by just placing them on the back burner for now, and allowing them to simmer on low until I can figure out just how to dish it all out.

Yes, I know that this is not the best way to solve any issues that I might be having, but I can't make up my mind about how I feel about anything lately, so ignoring them for now is working for me.

Hopefully, this method of mine will not cause any bigger problems to erupt. You kow, people get hurt feelings when you can't let them know what is happening, especially when it pertains to them. But, what else am I to do?

I've never been much of a chef. I can't mix different things together, no matter how different they are, and make them somehow fit together and blend into a perfect combination. Yes, for those of you who are slow on the uptake, I am making a lovely analogy between people and food and my ability to not deal well with either.

Perhaps a cooking class is in order.

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