2003-08-18 : My World
There are many times when I sit here and stare at this blank box and wonder how I am going to fill it. As you may know by now, that is how most of this begins. I start with nothing and then, somehow, I develop some strange thing to talk about.

Hopefully, something will come to me tonight...or rather, this morning. It's 4:30 AM here in my world.

Yes, my world. It is a strange and wonderful place. Everything is new and exciting. Everything you thought that you had seen before is all new and refreshing here. Nothing is a surprise, yet everything is unexpected.

It's too bad that all of you can't live here with me.

Pink elephants, flying pigs, sugar coated clouds, and candy raindrops are all a part of my everyday life.

These things are extrodinary. They would make the average person look up and say - Hey, what's that?!

I say this only to prove a point.

All of you...well, 99% of you, take everything for granted. You don't see the extraordinary because you are too busy seeing it as the plain old ordinary.

Children see all things as new and exciting. Each thing that the encounter is spectacular and exciting because they have never seen it before.

Maybe we should all try to see the world through their eyes. Maybe we wouldn't be so cynical.

It's spectacular to live in a world created especially for you. At least, that's the way that I like to view it. Everything that is here was made for my own personal enjoyment.

All of it makes me gaze in amazement at the sheer complexity of it all.

Waterfalls, rainbows, trees, rivers, mountains, dragonflys, grass, birds, fish, dirt, tadpoles, colors, wind, rocks......it's everything.

Do you ever stop and see what is special around you???

My world is full of the extrodinary in the ordinary.

Imagination meets realization.

Sight meets sound meets taste meets touch meets smell.

Everything blends into one harmonious mix where anything is possible.

So, if that's the case...I'll have the chocolate mint ice cream on the patio with the view of my flying pigs, thank you.

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