2003-07-05 : For iamsorry
Have you ever sat down and just lost yourself completely?

Have you wandered through daydreams of beautiful people and places?

Have you ever closed your eyes and savored every breath that you take in?

I think that somewhere along the road, I had forgotten to do these things.

You grow up, learning not to get lost in your imagination. Why? It seems to me that it is the one place you can hide from everyone. It's some place that no one can get to except you. It's special and secret and belongs solely to you.

It's because of this repression of imagination and creativity that I always dreaded being an adult. Grownups never seemed to play and just rejoice in the simple things. All they ever seemed to care about was money and politics. They scared me and I never wanted to be them. Just call it my phase of Peter Pan syndrome.

Then again, there were the other people. The ones that played at being grownup, but never really were. Everyone knows who I'm talking about - the flighty, popular people who behave as though they know what's going on, but really have no idea. I shouldn't be so harsh - I'd probably be labeled as one of them. Hmmm...

I'm never quite sure of anything. Never perfectly happy or sad. Never rich, never completely poor (though sometimes its very close). Never ever perfect.

Life wasn't meant to be.

It's with this in mind that I say to you: Make it through today, tomorow will always happen.

And always remember, someone out there is listening.

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