2003-07-06 : The Big Bang
Sometimes the moment just catches you and sweeps you away. Has that ever happened to you? You lose all of yourself to the moment. It�s sweet and intense � it builds until you want to explode, but, at the same time, you want to keep it in, just so you can feel like that all of the time. It�s a feeling that makes you want to laugh and cry and run with your arms outstretched like you did as a child.

It makes you feel free.

I get the need for it. It is an addiction, a desire that seats itself deep inside me. Everyone struggles for it. We all feel the ache when it isn�t there. The loneliness seems like it is going to swallow you whole, but it never quite does. It just keeps you dangling out there, forcing you to watch what it is that you don�t have, but everyone else does. We are all on the never ending quest to find that feeling of wholeness, of having and being more than what we really are.

And then, you find it and you wonder at the intensity of it all. And you wonder if it was there all along, lying deep down, sleeping and waiting until the right time.

Now is the right time.

It causes those explosions and fireworks and craziness.

Love always does that.

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