2004-12-02 : Hmm...I'll Have the Ass on a Plate, Thankyouverymuch
I don't think that I have ever worked so hard in my entire life. I think that I might just pass out.

Okay, I know...what in the hell am I talking about? Allow me to explain...

I have a new job. I have an awesome new job. And everyone wants to be me.

I have managed, through some sort of cosmic dumb luck, to land a job as the bar manager of a million dollar nightclub.

Oh my god.

I know what you're thinking. A million dollar nightclub in Columbia? Yeah, right. Actually, to be very honest, it's not quite a million dollar nightclub, but what's a couple thousand? So, yeah, it really is pretty much a top notch kinda joint. Light show, smoke from some sort of liquid CO2 thing, light tresses that move up and down, LED lights over the bars, girls dancing on platforms (no, they aren't topless or cheesy), VIP seating, and flat screen TVs.

And I have an awesome job there.

My duties are really fucking easy. I bartend as the head bartender. I train new staff. Oh, yeah, wait a minute...I hire the staff, choose the alcohol that we sell, talk to beer and liquor representatives (that's reps for those of you in "the biz"-haha), and do every other randomly crazy thing that pops into my boss's head. So, maybe, not exactly easy.

Today I interviewed people for five straight hours. Everybody wants to be a fucking bartender and you know what...half of you motherfuckers have no idea about bar anything. I wanted to scream, "Please stop wasting my time!!!! If you have never bartended before, don't even try!!! You won't get it!" Honestly, I need people who know what they are doing. It's going to be fast paced, extremely high volume, and way too much for anyone but the most seasoned bartenders to handle. Hell, I'm scared about the way everything is going to go and I am the one in charge. Fuck, I have five years of bartending experience and I'm freaking out.

I mean, I've always wanted to have this opportunity. I've paid my fucking dues to the gods of the nightclub world and it is about damn time someone gave me a fucking chance to do what I know I can do. There's only so many times that you can be overlooked just because you are a female.

And, now, my new boss, who has only seen me work once for the time span of thirty minutes, has given me this opportunity and I am so grateful for it.

But, man, it's kicking my ass.

It's very rare that I have ever felt like I've had my ass handed to me on a fucking plate, but this shit is crazy...and we aren't even open yet.

Oh my god.

I have the coolest job.

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