2004-11-04 : The Sun Also Rises
There is often a long list of things running through my mind that I have to choose from to write about. Today is no different.

Will today be the day that I write about what I want in life � where I want to go, what I want to do. Or will I write about my sadly non-existent love life? Maybe, just maybe, I�ll write about something other than all of the glorified bullshit that makes up my life.
Maybe, I should just write about how absolutely fabulous I am.

There are a lot of things that I wish for. Right now I wish that I had the ability to not feed all of you a load of crap.

I�ve always heard that Ernest Hemmingway always drank, especially when he wrote. I think that I often channel the spirit of Mr. Hemmingway. Most every time I sit down at this computer and write, I have had several drinks. It�s almost like I can�t manage to be honest without a bit of liquid refreshment. It�s not that I�m trying to be honest with anyone reading this � I have nothing to hide from those out there that don�t know me. It is possible, however, that I am trying to provide a way for me to be honest with myself.

No one likes to hear what it is that they are doing wrong or how someone else might be doing things better than they are. I can�t say that I am any different.

I need to learn to live within my means. I shouldn�t go out all night and spend money that I really just don�t have.

I need to learn to be more assertive�.well, assertive in certain areas of my life. Take for instance, my love life. I need to let him know what I feel.

I need to get up off of my ass and get motivated. These last ten pounds won�t go away on their own.

I need to let others in. I need to try to understand their feelings.

I need to grow up just a little more.

I need to let me be me and not worry what others think about me.

Wow, that�s a lot of stuff. And it all seems so easy to sit here and say it when I�m all alone.

We�ll just see if I can do it�me and Ernest Hemmingway.

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