2004-10-15 : "You're Fired" Sounds Much Cooler When Trump Says It

Have you ever noticed that just when you start to feel good about everything and it all seems to be going your way it just all happens to fall apart?

Well, here's what is going on...

I have worked for a nightclub for four and half years. I was there when they opened. I am the only original staff member left. After busting my ass for this company and working my way up to finally break into the all male management that they had going on, they fire me.

Not just me...everbody has been fired. They are shutting down our club because they were bought out by some guy who wants to put in a new dance club modeled after Claub Ra in the Luxor Hotel in Vegas.

So, what they tell me is that we are not technically fired, we are on a month's vacation with the opportunity to interview with the new guy and see if we get hired back.

This is such crap.

None of us deserve this....we only got a fucking four day notice.

Is it just me or does it seem unfair to everyone else?

Man...At least I'm going to lose some weight on my new diet. It's called poverty.

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