2005-03-08 : Thin Air & Mountain Goats
I finally get the chance to write on here and I have no idea what it was that I wanted to say.


Lately, it's all been a rut...one which I am trying desperately to get out of. Everything is the same no matter how hard I try to change it.

The job search has been fruitless, the school thing needs to get a bit of momentum, and my love life...well, you know, I don't have one.

Man, I'm depressing.

It's just that I want a huge change, but I don't think that I have the balls to actually grab something huge and scary and go with it. I love a challenge, but a manageable one...I don't want to scale Everest or cure cancer. I just want something new.


This rut sucks and it's getting so deep as the days go on that I don't know if I'll be able to climb out of it.

Maybe that's my Everest.

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