2003-11-12 : Clint Eastwood
So, my darling little ones...I am back again.

It is nice to be back where it is familiar, although lately I have been desiring a change.

I briefly thought that this change could be brought on by destruction and chaos, but after that path was tried, I have found that it isn't the best course of action. Of course, drinking and drugging is fun (at times), but the fact remains that it does nothing but drag me down in the exact opposite direction of where I would like to be going.

So, now I have to find a new "drug", if you will. It is possible that the new information that came my way recently will be my ticket to resurrecting myself from the ashes where I find myself currently residing.

Don't worry, it sounds worse than it all is.

Just being a little over-dramatic...you know me.

But, then again, I've never been far from the bottom.

Usually, I just hang around and hover a few inches above rock bottom and hope that no one pushes me face first into the gravel. Nice thought, eh?

Anyway, I feel a need for a change. A major, life-altering change.

I feel it coming closer and see it growing ever larger against the horizon, but it's still fuzzy.

Will it be what I need?

Will it be what I want?

Or will it be just one more disappointment? Just one more thing to regret?

There is only one way to know----

Saddle up and meet it head on, out there, on the horizon.

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