2003-06-26 : Stream of Consciousness
I haven't written in a few days. When I started this diary, my goal was to write every day. But, sometimes your goals can be unrealistic.

I'd like to think that I write for myself and the select few people that find me entertaining and possibly insightful. Don't laugh, someone out there thinks I'm a fucking genius. Of course, there is always someone out there that thinks that I am completely retarded, but that is beside the point. What I am trying to say, in a few million words, is that I write because I want to and because I hope someone will get something out of what I say. Maybe there is someone who needs to hear my crappy situations and answer my unanswerable questions.

If you have no idea what I am talking about, read my past entries-they say a lot about me and, well, everything.

It's just that sometimes you want people to listen to you, and other times you want everyone to go far, far away.

I don't know where I am now.

It's like this a lot of the time. I love all of the people that I spend my time with, but I also like to be alone. Lately, I've been with others more than just with myself and I think it might just be driving me a bit insane. Please understand that I love my friends and family, but sometimes they can be a bit too much.

Overpowering, overbearing, way too inquisitive - you know - all those things that can drive a person crazy.

But then there are other times. Times when I want to be pestered and asked for advice. Times when all that I can think about are the situations my friends need help with.

Oh my, I am rambling on and on.

Just call it late night delirium.

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