2005-01-04 : Come and Knock on Our Door...
Okay, I have to type fast because I have to go back to work in just a few minutes, but this just cannot wait another freakin' second.

Oh my God. Lulu has entered the world of freaky sex - I had a threesome.

Yes, you heard right...a threesome.

No, I'm not really sure how the whole thing got started, but it did and I had sex with a guy and another girl.

My face is so red right now...I can't believe I'm sharing this. It almost falls into the way too much information category. Well, I guess it really would if I actually got down to details. I'm not gonna post those here, unless you guys really want to know. Just leave me a note. If I get enough curiosity I'll spill the beans.

Anyway, here is the slightly censored version of what I am now referring to as my episode of Three's Company.

I went out to Meritage just like I do every Sunday. All of my friends go there and we eat and drink every week together. Well, my lover (I really have nothing else to call him; we don't date) and his roommate's wife showed up and we all proceeded to get very drunk. Next thing I know, the bar is closing and I should have left for home two hours earlier. Needless to say, I couldn't drive and so I rode home with lover boy.

Back at his place, it's me, him, and her (the roommie's wife). And then it was me and her...kissing. Then it was me and him kissing. Then she was naked. Then I was naked. Then he was naked. It all just happened so freakin' fast.

Now, I'm not complaining. I had a really feel good time, if you know what I mean. And, yes, I would probably do it again. Even though at times I wasn't sure whose hands (or tongues, for that matter) were touching me, it was actually really fun.

Oh no...I am such a dirty girl.

And that fucking Three's Company song keeps playing in my head.

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