2004-12-28 : Blah Update
So, first things first...

My images are missing because, once again, my gold membership has expired without me getting any warning because stupid ol' AOL filters out my d-land emails as spam. Just great. So, for the time being, I will be missing the lovely picture of the angel that is supposed to be on the side until my lazy ass puts some moolah in the bank and gets another gold membership.

Also in the relatively boring sort of news thing that I have going on here...I have fucking laryngitis.

Yup-I can't speak. Not one damn word. Not even a fucking whisper. I am Lulu, the mute girl. It sucks so bad.

Okay, that's it for now. I'm going to sit here in complete silence for the rest of my day (or life...who knows when my voice will be back).

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