2003-05-29 : Today
We are here.

This is now.

What could this be?

I don't know.

I always hope that what I write is read by others and that it gives some crazy insight into how they feel or think, but I know it doesn't.

I know that what I put down here is more than likely read only by me, but that's okay.

Sometimes I wish that I didn't feel like I'm being overlooked.

There are other times, however, that I want to blend in, where the furthest thing from my mind is being a noticeable part of everything.

Sometimes I don't knowwhat I want.

I think that I want to run and play and be me-but who am I?

Could it be that I am on a journey of self discovery? Do I need to find me?

I thought that I already had.

Maybe I should think on this more.

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